P-05-832 To Amend the School Admissions Code Relating to Summer-Born Children, Correspondence – Torfaen County Borough Council to Chair, 19.12.18


Dear Mr Rowlands


Further to the attached, I trust the following information is helpful.


As per the Admissions Code, we do not have a one size fits all specific policy in relation to the deferral of Summer born children. Our main admissions booklet (Parents/Carers Information 2019, page 21 – view by clicking here ) includes the following statement:


‘…if parents whose children have a summer term birthday, the admission code indicates that it is not normally appropriate for such children to be admitted to a non-cohort age group. However, the code emphasises the need to consider each case on its merit and the admissions authority would adopt this approach should any cases arise.’


I can confirm that we have not had any parental requests to defer entry in the last three years.


Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you require any further information.






John Tushingham
Head of Access & Engagement /  Pennaeth Ennyn Diddordeb & Mynediad
Education Service / Gwasanaeth Addysg
Torfaen County Borough Council / Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Torfaen